Thursday, August 12, 2010

LIBRARY HAUL! AKA - I'm going to FAIL summer reading.

So my mom took me to the library today to get the summer reading books. Of course, I'm a dundle-head and I took AP English so I have to read two books assigned by the school. But when my mom dropped me off (GAWSH I wish I had a car) I soon found out---my local library had EVERY SINGLE option for summer reading checked out! So I had to buy them cheap on amazon. *le sigh* Oh well. But on the plus side, after I found all of them gone, I picked up five books to read!

Stardust by Neil Gaiman - I'm sure everyone has seen the movie, and the book is probably better. I love the movie, so... I'm excited to read this.
Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard - I wanted to read this after seeing a review about it from someone else's blog... It took me 4.5 years to find, but I did :)
A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn - The title caught my eye, and just now I realized it's by Alex Flinn... OHMYGOSH I loved Beastly! How did I not realize it was her? Silly, silly me. Now I'm even more excited to read it.
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery - I loved the movies, and Anne is my favorite person EVER. So... I have to read the book.
The Season by Sarah MacLean - My best friend LOVES this book and has been BEGGING me to read it, and I was so lucky to get it :)

That's it! :) Now I'm going to pass out on my bed because I'm so tired...

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